Moving, even if you’ve done it before, can be overwhelming and stressful. So many details to cover — like the packing, cancelling and setting up utilities, forwarding your mail.  And if you have kids — finding a new school and new friends.  And if you have pets — how are they going to handle the physical move?   Where do you start?

Step 1: Make a list of all the things you should do before moving out

A checklist may seem tedious, but it will help you keep your mind focused while other things may be distracting you. This to-do list will be valuable as things are moving forward. Things to consider:

  • Contacting utility companies to schedule shut-off/turn-on services.  Remember to include wifi, electric, water/sewer, trash, gas, etc.
  • Setting mail forwarding services. This process is easy enough to do at any local USPS location, or online.
  • Picking up packing material. Your local community may have used boxes (check your local UHaul location).  Remember packing tape, sharpies, and packing materials.
  • Think of other day-t0-day items that may need to be put on hold or canceled, such as monthly landscaping service or annual HVAC tuneups.

Step 2: Say goodbye to the things you don’t need anymore

Moving is the perfect time to declutter. Sort through all your things and donate or throw away anything you no longer need. This step will save you packing time and give you more space on the moving truck.

Step 3: Pack whatever things you can by yourself

Start with the areas you don’t use often — closets, garages, basements.  Start packing them up, but as you do, plan ahead that you won’t need any of those items in the near future.

Move into each bedroom and pack as much as you can prior to your move date.  For example, if it’s the summer time, pack up winter clothes/shoes. Extra blankets/sheets/towels can be used to help as packing material for other items.  Remember to remove everything from the walls and under the bed. And don’t forget to label each box with fragile or heavy items and which room you want it to go in.

In common areas, start with knick-knacks, books, photos, etc.  Leave out only the essentials such as seating and tables.  The kitchen should be tackled in a similar manner.  Gather the items that you do not use often, leaving out only the essential things for meals for a short period of time.  As for the freezer/refrigerator, leave those items for day-of move.  Make sure you have a couple of coolers or have a place where you could store these items for a short period of time.

Step 4: A few days before the move . . .

Start taking apart furniture and getting ready for the move. Complete packing the remaining household items you have been using. Plan simple meals to minimize the items you’ll need for cooking and eating. (If necessary, buy a small stash of paper plates and cups to get you through this time.) Pack up curtains, area rugs, and other furnishings. Finalize your bag of essentials, which should include:

  • Toiletries
  • Two days’ worth of clothes (or possibly more, if you’re moving long-distance)
  • Any medicines you take, glasses and/or contact lenses, etc.
  • Essential documents
  • Snacks and water
  • Phone and charger

Step 5: Moving Day

You’re probably feeling exhausted and overwhelmed at this point, but it’s almost over!  On the day of your move, pack your bed and bedding, and any remaining medications and toiletries that will go into your essentials bag. If you have pets, double-check that you have everything they need for the move. Also make sure you have snacks, drinks, and paper goods handy for yourself and your helpers, and keep supplies out for last minute cleaning once the home is empty.

Although unexpected snags can always come up in a transition as complex as packing and moving a household, advanced preparation and good planning will set you up for a move that’s as painless as possible. We hope this guide will help you break the packing process down into manageable pieces, and maybe even enjoy the adventure of moving to a new home.