Where did Summer go? More importantly, you know what’s coming next. Now is a good time to take stock of those home projects — the ones that can help you save money during the winter.
Check the air flow. Check vents, room fans, dryer vents, baseboard heaters, and HVAC units for any built-up dust. Make sure to clean these areas thoroughly so that the dust won’t cause any blockages in the air flow.
Test your heater. Make sure your HVAC unit is thoroughly, and professionally, inspected and serviced. Furnace filters should be changed and the heat should be checked to make sure that it’s working properly.
Inspect your fireplace and clean the chimney. Check the fireplace and chimney to make sure that they are clean and free of any debris. The fireplace flue and liners should also be cleaned to prevent the build-up of ash and soot.
Check the insulation. Insulation is a critical component to keeping homes warm during the winter. Check for any spot that might need new weatherstripping or new caulking.
Clean all gutters. Gutter debris can become particularly hazardous during the winter. Remove leaves, twigs, and anything else that might cause the gutters to clog during the winter. Finally, use a garden hose to test the gutters to make sure that water is flowing freely through each gutter, down the spouts, and into a rain barrel or out onto the lawn a safe distance from the home.
Additionally, the cooler temps is the perfect time to do the following projects:
Paint the walls and clean the carpets. Fall is the perfect time to do a little sprucing up on typical wear and tear areas. Consider interior painting, carpet cleaning, and carpet replacement if needed. Make sure to tackle these tasks when the weather is still warm enough to keep the windows open and the rooms ventilated.
Protect the deck, patio, and porch areas. Clean away dust and debris from the surfaces of the deck, patio, and porch spaces. Look for signs of cracking, chipped paint, or holes. Use wood putty or stone filler to repair any surfaces areas that have been damaged during the summer. Make sure to repaint the surface before the wet fall weather begins.